Trèfle Lozérien AMV 2022 : Who to succeed Nambotin?

The Trèfle Lozérien AMV in international mode!

After the success of 2021 and the 100% tricolor podium, the 36th edition of the Trèfle Lozérien AMV promises to be more international than ever. The startlist announces a great show in the world capital of enduro for the space of a weekend! Fourteen specials on the program, 600 drivers, mild weather and a first start tomorrow morning at 8 a.m. towards the Gorges du Tarn.

Who to succeed Christophe Nambotin?

The Spaniard Josep Garcia impressed during his victory at Mende in 2019. Current second in EnduroGP, he is obviously on the list of favorites on the eve of the start. Ultra fast, one point behind the world leader (Wil Ruprech), the KTM official is in an excellent dynamic, how can you not imagine him coming to explode a few times with his demonic attack!

It will obviously be necessary to count on Andrea Verona, who has rigorously counted the same number of points in the provisional classification of the EGP as the Spanish driver. The Italian with his Gas Gas, winner of the first classic of the year in the Val de Lorraine, will discover the Clover.

He can count on his consistency to play at the forefront. On the tricolor side, Loic Larrieu, winner of the Clover in 2018, has been back in competition for only a few weeks. This classic, and 3 days of driving, could serve as a trigger to regain all of its speed. We believe in.

Théo Espinasse is undoubtedly one of the most consistent tricolors at the moment. With his good performances at the World Cup to his credit (Top 5 in EGP on the last day and 3rd in E1 provisionally) he is a serious customer. Of course, a motorsport weekend always has many nice surprises in store.


The list of contenders to come and play spoilsport is growing for this 2023 edition. Two drivers present this weekend have the common point of having climbed the podium thirteen times in Lozère and inevitably that counts: Emmanuel Albepart (9 podiums) and Julien Gauthier (4 podiums). Winner a few weeks ago at La Grappe, Valérian Debaud will certainly want to highlight his recent deal with Fantic Raw Xcentric for the rest of the 2022 season. Alix and Till De Clercq, the new Honda driver Jérémy Miroir and finally the one who plays at home, transcended last year, Killian Lunier. It promises, doesn’t it? We had Clément Desalle last year for the MX touch, it is Khoun-Sith Vongsana who takes the role this year. With ideas for rallies in his head, he will make his debut in enduro. We will have a close eye on his learning of the discipline.

We open the ball with the Gorges du Tarn

As tradition dictates, the first departure will be given at 8 a.m. with the Gorges du Tarn, the first magical scene. A 208 km loop traced in a heritage classified by UNESCO. The first drivers will enter the Mas ST Chely SP1 around 10:15 a.m., will do a second banderole, a line before closing the day with the Vabre SP4 from 3:20 p.m. See you tomorrow evening for the first lessons and the first times of this Clover AMV 2023!

FRIDAY JUNE 3: Circuit of the Tarn Gorges

Départ Mende Foirail 8H00
CH1 Ste Enimie 10H10
SP1 Mas ST Chely (banderolée) 10H15
CH2 Le Massegros 13H00
SP2 Le Massegros (banderolée) 12H40
SP3 Tessonnieres (ligne) 13H55
CH3 Champerboux 14H50
CH4 Mende La Vabre 15H40
SP4 Mende la Vabre Michelin Lauze Boissons (banderolée) 15H20

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